Main Page
Welcome to BurroWiki, a private-access site. You must be logged in to view or edit most pages, contact Grahams if you feel you should have an account.
The purpose of this Wiki is to act as a community whiteboard for a group of friends who are all connected through Rochester, NY and the Rochester Institute of Technology. While the initial intention of this site was to discuss our various yearly activities, including parties such as the Halloween Party as well as other events like Fucked Up Movie Night, feel free to use it as you wish. Since this is a "closed" site, and we are all friends, if you see something you want to add or change, go for it.
Burrowiki has been upgraded MediaWiki 1.43.0. Let me know if there are any issues.
--grahams (talk) 19:16, January 22, 2025 (UTC)
Interesting Subjects
- Grahams' Completely Normal Radio Programme
- Get your Kitchen in Shape
- Useful Stuff For Chicks - for ladies and/or friends of ladies (maybe later also for all)
- Useful Stuff for Dudes - stuff for people with Y chromosome related phenotypes.
- Job Advice - Advice on getting & leaving jobs.
- Looking for a recommendation?
- TV Worth Watching - What shows did you like/dislike as a child?
- Text Based Games Worth Playing - What text based games did you like/dislike as a child?
- Computer Games Worth Playing - What computer and console game have you enjoyed blowing life seconds on?
- Podcast Recommendations
- Movies for your offspring
- Books to Make You a Less Shitty Programmer - Suck less, you know you want to
- Recipes - A collection of recipes.
- Limericks inspired by the Halloween party.
- Music - Things about on-purpose sound.
- Logo - Some information on the fantastic BurroWiki logo created by Casey
- Meditation - Clues toward the self-regulation of attention.
- Commonly Used Acronyms
- I Want To Live - resources for survival
- Electronic Dark Arts - How to take down the man's attempt to keep you down
- The Attic - Stale "Interesting Subjects"
- Travel Guide - Fuck Fodor's
- Mitigating ID Theft - Steps to take if you think your identity has been stolen
- Reducing Paper Junk Mail - Steps to take to reduce paper junk mail, catalogs, credit card offers, etc.